Panaskan Oven Selama 10-15 menit Sebelum Memanggang Kue / Cake.
Loyang Cake di Rak no 2 dari bawah.
Gunakan Butter (Mentega) untuk cake yang lezat dan lembut
Gunakan kuning telur yang lebih banyak jika tanpa putih telur ,tambahkan kuning telur sesuai jumlah putih telur yang dikurangi.
Untuk hasil gorengan yang kering tidak berminyak ,campur minyak sayur dengan mentega putih 1:1 atau bisa dicampur dengan minyak padat.
Jumat, 16 Januari 2009
Salmon Grilled
Preparation time less than 30 mins
Cooking time 10 to 30 mins
4 x 175g/6oz salmon steaks
65g/2½oz butter
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
2 x 130g packets bacon lardons or cubed pancetta
2 little gem lettuces, finely shredded
200ml/7fl oz vegetable, fish, or chicken stock
225g/8oz fresh or frozen peas
2 tbsp double cream (optional)
3 tbsp chopped fresh parley
½ lemon, juice only
1. Preheat the grill for at least 10 minutes.
2. Remove any pin bones from the fish.
3. Melt 25g/1oz of the butter and brush over the salmon. Season well.
4. Line a grill pan with foil, then place the salmon under the grill for about 3-4
minutes on each side.
5. When cooked, cover and keep warm.
6. Whilst the salmon is cooking heat a pan on a high heat. Add the bacon and reduce the heat.
7. Cook bacon for 2-3 minutes until the fat starts to run.
8.Add the lettuce and stir well to coat with the fat.
9. Add the stock, season and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and simmer, uncovered, for three minutes.
10. Add the peas, cream (if using) and parsley and give the pan a good shake while it comes to the boil.
11. Add the remaining butter and simmer for a further two minutes then add lemon juice.
12. Serve with the salmon.
Kamis, 15 Januari 2009
The Truth About Diet Soda
By David Zinczenko, with Matt Goulding
We talk a lot about ''watching what we eat,'' but if you never gave a thought to what you ate and instead watched only what you drank, you could probably cut 450 calories a day out of your life. (Yes, nearly a pound of fat loss a week!) That's what a study from the University of North Carolina found. Americans today drink about 192 gallons of liquid a year—or about 2 liters a day. To put it into perspective, this is nearly twice as many calories as we did 30 years ago.
When confronted with the growing tide of calories from sweetened beverages, the first response is, “Why not just drink diet soda?” Well, for a few reasons:
Just because diet soda is low in calories doesn't mean it can't lead to weight gain.
It may have only 5 or fewer calories per serving, but emerging research suggests that consuming sugary-tasting beverages--even if they're artificially sweetened--may lead to a high preference for sweetness overall. That means sweeter (and more caloric) cereal, bread, dessert--everything.
Guzzling these drinks all day long forces out the healthy beverages you need.
Diet soda is 100 percent nutrition-free, and again, it's just as important to actively drink the good stuff as it is to avoid that bad stuff. So one diet soda a day is fine, but if you're downing five or six cans, that means you're limiting your intake of healthful beverages, particularly water and tea.
There remain some concerns over aspartame, the low-calorie chemical used to give diet sodas their flavor.
Aspartame is 180 times sweeter than sugar, and some animal research has linked consumption of high amounts of the sweetener to brain tumors and lymphoma in rodents. The FDA maintains that the sweetener is safe, but reported side effects include dizziness, headaches, diarrhea, memory loss, and mood changes. Bottom line: Diet soda does you no good, and it might just be doing you wrong.
We talk a lot about ''watching what we eat,'' but if you never gave a thought to what you ate and instead watched only what you drank, you could probably cut 450 calories a day out of your life. (Yes, nearly a pound of fat loss a week!) That's what a study from the University of North Carolina found. Americans today drink about 192 gallons of liquid a year—or about 2 liters a day. To put it into perspective, this is nearly twice as many calories as we did 30 years ago.
When confronted with the growing tide of calories from sweetened beverages, the first response is, “Why not just drink diet soda?” Well, for a few reasons:
Just because diet soda is low in calories doesn't mean it can't lead to weight gain.
It may have only 5 or fewer calories per serving, but emerging research suggests that consuming sugary-tasting beverages--even if they're artificially sweetened--may lead to a high preference for sweetness overall. That means sweeter (and more caloric) cereal, bread, dessert--everything.
Guzzling these drinks all day long forces out the healthy beverages you need.
Diet soda is 100 percent nutrition-free, and again, it's just as important to actively drink the good stuff as it is to avoid that bad stuff. So one diet soda a day is fine, but if you're downing five or six cans, that means you're limiting your intake of healthful beverages, particularly water and tea.
There remain some concerns over aspartame, the low-calorie chemical used to give diet sodas their flavor.
Aspartame is 180 times sweeter than sugar, and some animal research has linked consumption of high amounts of the sweetener to brain tumors and lymphoma in rodents. The FDA maintains that the sweetener is safe, but reported side effects include dizziness, headaches, diarrhea, memory loss, and mood changes. Bottom line: Diet soda does you no good, and it might just be doing you wrong.
Rabu, 14 Januari 2009
Udang Mayones Paprika
500 udang kupas, ukuran sedang
75 g tepung maizena
2 sdm tepung kanji
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1/2 sdt garam
Minyak goring
Saus Mayones Paprika
100 ml mayones botolan
2 sdm susu kental manis putih
1 sdt saus cabai botolan
1/2 sdt tomat pasta
1/2 sdm air jeruk lemon
20 g paprika merah, cincang
Cara membuat
Belah punggung udang, cuci di bawah air mengalir hingga benar-benar bersih.
Tiriskan, lap hingga kering.
Aduk tepung maizena, tepung kanji, merica dan garam hingga rata.
Balut tiap udang dengan campuran tepung hingga rata.
Goreng dalam minyak banyak dengan panas sedang hingga kering. Tiriskan.
Saus Mayones Paprika
Aduk semua bahan (kecuali paprika) hingga rata.
Tambahkan paprika cincang, aduk rata.
Sajikan udang goreng dengan Saus Mayones Paprika.
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