Resep resep masakan sudah di uji coba dari koleksi buku-buku dan majalah masakan, nantikan tip - tip dari dapurku selanjutnya , Happy Cooking .


Panaskan Oven Selama 10-15 menit Sebelum Memanggang Kue / Cake.
Loyang Cake di Rak no 2 dari bawah.

Gunakan Butter (Mentega) untuk cake yang lezat dan lembut

Gunakan kuning telur yang lebih banyak jika tanpa putih telur ,tambahkan kuning telur sesuai jumlah putih telur yang dikurangi.

Untuk hasil gorengan yang kering tidak berminyak ,campur minyak sayur dengan mentega putih 1:1 atau bisa dicampur dengan minyak padat.
Tampilkan postingan dengan label Italy. Tampilkan semua postingan
Tampilkan postingan dengan label Italy. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

Cara buat Pizza ala dapurku

Bahan kulit:
350 gram terigu cap Cakra
200 ml Air
1 bungkus ragi instan
1/4 sendok garam

Bahan isi:
Saus Tomat
Toping sesuai selera (bisa daging giling yang ditumis dengan bawang bombay, bawang putih, tomat, saus tomat, atau daging asap,
daging ayam giling, sosis dsb)dan Keju Mozarella
Irisan Jamur kancing,paprika hijau dan merah,bisa ditambah irisan nanas.

1.campur semua bahn kulit, uleni sampai kalis

2.Biarkan 15 menit sambil ditutup serbet bahas

3.Kempeskan, bagi 8 atau sesuai selera, bulatkan dan pipihkan membentuk lingkaran, tepinya agak ditinggikan

4.Oles saus tomat,

5.Taburi topping

6.Taburi keju mozarela yang dioles tipis.

7.Bakar/oven 30 menit sampai matang.

Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

Pizza Bake with Sausage and Pepperoni



* 1 (19 ounce) package Bob Evans® Italian Sausage, cut into bite-sized pieces
* 225 g elbow macaroni
* 448 (16 ounce) jars pizza sauce
* 56.7 g sliced pepperoni
* 75 g sliced yellow bell peppers
* 110 g shredded four-cheese Italian blend, divided in half


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. In nonstick skillet over medium heat, cook sausage until browned. In large saucepan, cook macaroni according to package directions, drain. In 9-inch square baking pan, combine sausage, macaroni, pizza sauce, pepperoni, yellow peppers and 1 cup cheese. Sprinkle remaining cheese over sausage mixture. Cover and bake 20 to 25 minutes or until sausage is fully cooked.

Noodle Pepperoni Pizza


* 4 (3 ounce) packages ramen noodles
* 15 ml olive or vegetable oil
* 235 ml spaghetti or pizza sauce
* 115 g shredded mozzarella cheese
* 1 (3 ounce) package sliced pepperoni, cut into strips


1. Discard seasoning packets from noodles or save for another use. Cook noodles according to package directions; drain. Heat oil in a 10-in. ovenproof skillet. Press noodles into skillet, evenly covering the bottom of pan. Cook until bottom of crust is lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Pour spaghetti sauce over the crust. Sprinkle with cheese and pepperoni. Broil 4 to 6 in. from the heat for 3-4 minutes or until heated through and cheese is melted.

Jumat, 12 Desember 2008

Spaghetti with Meatballs

1 small onion
2 cloves garlic
1 lb. lean ground beef (or veal)
1 egg
1/3 cup breadcrumbs
1 tbsp. fresh parsley
1 tsp. dried oregano
1 tsp. salt (or to taste)
1/2 tsp. fresh black pepper

Preheat oven to 400F. Finely chop onion and garlic and place in a mixing bowl. Add all other ingredients and mix by hand until well blended.

Roll into 1-inch balls (or larger, if you wish). Place meatballs onto a tray and bake in oven for 10 minutes, or until meatballs are browned. Makes about 20 meatballs.

Tomato sauce:
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 small onions, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
4 28 oz. cans plum tomatoes
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. fresh black pepper
Bunch fresh basil, chopped

Heat olive oil in large heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat. Add onions and garlic and saute until lightly browned. Add crushed plum tomatoes, breaking tomatoes with back of wooden spoon. Add seasoning and bring to a boil.

Lower heat and simmer sauce for 20 minutes, adjusting salt and pepper, if required. Add browned meatballs to sauce and simmer additional 15 minutes. Serve with spaghetti or linguini.
Serves 8 to 10.

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